Scorpions cancel multiple concerts in Germany due to guitarist’s injury


Emma Schneider
Emma Schneider
Emma Schneider ist eine engagierte Kulturjournalistin, die mit ihrem Gespür für spannende Geschichten und aktuellen Trends begeistert.

Matthias Jabs, the 68-year-old guitarist of the iconic rock band Scorpions, has been sidelined due to an unfortunate accident. Jabs sustained an injury that requires surgery, leading to the cancellation of several upcoming concerts in Germany.

The tour named ‚Love at First Sting‘ has been affected significantly by this unexpected turn of events. All scheduled performances in September, including those in Nuremberg, Hamburg, Leipzig, Cologne, and Frankfurt, have been called off.

The band expresses deep regret over the necessity of this decision and extends their apologies to their loyal fans. The cancellation of these concerts due to Matthias Jabs‘ injury poses a major challenge to the ongoing Scorpions tour.

In collaboration with tour organizers, the band is dedicated to rescheduling these missed shows and is working diligently to announce new dates soon.


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